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Do solar panels save money?

There are two main reasons why people become interested in solar energy. One is related to how many solar panels can save them on their electricity bills, and the other is how much it can reduce their carbon footprint.
The amount of money you can save will vary depending on your house. The size of your solar energy system, its exposure to direct sunlight, and the incentives available in your area will all affect how much your system will cost you and how much money it will save you.
That being said, solar energy is an affordable, viable option for a lot of people. Most don't even realize that their house qualifies for money-saving solar panels. 

Do I need to prove from my homeowners association?

Florida law prohibits any entity - including the association of homeowners - from banning the installation of solar or other renewable energy devices on Florida properties. An association may require system installation approval and may lay down installation restrictions.

What are solar panels made of?

Solar cells consist of wafers made from silicone. These are made of silicone, a hard and brittle crystalline solid
that is the second most abundant element after oxygen in the Earth's crust. It's silicon if you're at the beach and
see shiny black specks in the sand.

What is a kilowatt?

A kilowatt is a measure of 1000 watts of electric power. All kilowatts and watts represent a transfer rate of energy. Your electric bill bills you in terms of kilowatt-hours (kWh) for electricity. One kilowatt-hour is an electricity unit which is equal to one kilowatt of power consumed for an hour. The production of a Solar Panel depends on its scale. A 100-watt panel left in the sun for 1 hour would produce 100 watt-hours of electricity (or 0.1 kilowatt-hours). If you have a1-kilowatt solar system and five peak sun hours a day (an approximate Florida average), then your 1-kilowatt solar system will generate 5-kilowatt hours of electricity a day.

How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels and their associated parts and warranties are planned to last 25-30 years, although there are several accounts with a much longer duration. Their efficiency decreases by about.5 percent each year. Still, you might not even notice the increasing ability of our homes and devices, peppered with some solid energy usage habits. According to NREL, in year 20, a solar panel will still produce 90 percent of its original energy output by that math! Solar panels can, in theory, last forever, or until their efficiency reaches zero. This boils down to cell count and consistency.

Will solar panels add value to my home?

There is a lot of research on this topic, and the answer is yes, but we can not guarantee it. *One study finds that most solar panels increase home value by $17k - or 4% more than their non-PV
counterparts. Since the average system costs $10k -$18k, homeowners can expect to make back the investment of the equipment when they choose to sell their home. Another research says property value increases are directly proportional to the number (and quality) of solar PV
panels installed. ….. The value advantages of solar only increases as you scale. Installing around 5kW of solar adds an average of $30k to the retail value of a medium-sized home.

Do solar panels work on a cloudy day?

Solar panels do continue to produce electricity during cloudy weather. The panels still provide 10-25% of their typical output. The amount is less than during periods of direct sunlight, but during those periods, energy is stored to compensate for cloudy days.

What benefits does solar provide?

Solar is a fuel-free energy resource, meaning it is an infinite and inexhaustible resource without the cost of volatile fuel. Solar is also an energy resource free of emissions, which avoids polluting our air and water. Solar is providing immediate energy savings and more excellent energy stability after the initial upfront cost. Solar also reduces line losses on the grid and during the daytime, when electricity is most expensive and in high demand, provides energy
to the network.

Roof-Mount System or Ground-Mount System

This varies. Roof-mounted appears to be less costly because they do not need support structures and are typically not accessible to passers-by. The ground-mounted systems, on the other hand, can usually be oriented and tilted to optimize production. By understanding your home and needs, Freedom will be presenting a solution that is optimizing your needs.

Will solar raise my property taxes?

No, it does not. Solar is tax-exempt.

Are solar panels toxic?

One of the critical motivations for a lot of homeowners to go solar is to have a better impact on the environment. When we use solar energy in our homes, we reduce our overall greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, and our carbon footprints decrease. Although solar panels are seen as a source of clean, renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the manufacturing process. In comparison, the vendors need to treat toxic chemicals to make solar panels.
Solar panels, however, do not emit toxins into the atmosphere, as they generate electricity.
Solar panels are not directly toxic, and it is not a health risk to have them on your house
• Potentially harmful chemicals are used in the manufacturing of panels, but responsible factories must dispose of them adequately

Will a solar system raise my insurance?

Depends. Many households with a $200 electric bill or less will not. Utilities allow solar systems greater than 11.7 kilowatts (about $200 electric bill) that bear a million umbrella policy for all service lineman to be covered.

Will I receive a electric bill once i have solar installed?

You'll still receive bills from your regular utility company even with solar panels installed unless your new system includes battery storage, and you've chosen to be entirely off the grid. The purpose of solar panels is to reduce your dependence significantly upon standard electricity methods while also reducing your bill and taking less of a toll on the environment.

Should I repair or replace my roof before going solar?

At least 25 years will last a solar array. The surrounding roof must be in good shape. If your roof is more than ten years old, you should have it checked to calculate its lifetime. Before installing Solar, you may want to consider repairs or replacements. In some cases, work can be folded into the federal tax credit to increase the structural capability of your roof to support a solar installation. (Note: This applies only to structural improvements and not to re-roofing). The IRS code is vague about the exact extent of the roof work that can be rolled into the federal tax loan. We suggest you consult the details of your roof with a tax expert.

What can I do to lower my energy consumption?

It is an excellent start to become conscious of where you might be wasting strength. When needed, instead invest in more substantial alternatives such as appliances. When the door is closed, check the weather stripping around doors by pulling a sheet of paper through the strip. If the piece allows the journal to pull through easily, it is a good weather stripe. Look
for small holes and have them sealed around all the fittings. Replace all LED bulbs with
incandescent light bulbs. LED bulbs cost about one-third that of regular lamps. Refrigerator seals check. Annual Service Appliance. Example A dirty AC filter is the equivalent of 10 percent additional cooling costs. When you've got a pool, adjust the time of the pump run to just 3.5 hours per day. If you can check your ducts to make sure the AC leakage does not occur. This could allow you to hire a professional. A low-efficiency air- conditioner or water heater could cost you more than $500 a year. Check the levels of insulation inside the attic

Can solar power charge an electric car?

You have an electric car and wish you could charge it with solar? Well, you're in luck because you can! There are a couple of different ways that you can charge an electric car with solar.  Electric cars allow you to plug them into an outlet at your house to charge. If you take this approach and want to power your vehicle with solar, you'd install a grid-tied solar system. With this strategy, your entire house can be powered by solar, and you're tied into the grid. You're not necessarily going to be generating power straight from the sun and pumping it into your car. Instead, you're just offsetting a certain percentage of your usage with solar. If you charge your car at night, that power is going to be coming straight off the utility grid. However, if you have a big enough system, it should've put energy onto the grid for you during the day. The other way is to invest in a solar car charger unit. Some of these have solar panels right on them. They are fully self-contained units that collect sunlight during the day, have batteries to store the power, and you can plug your electric car directly into them. These are less common, but it is possible to charge your vehicle directly with solar power by using them.

What happens if I produce more electricity than I am using?

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Why is solar power the best energy source?

Solar is the best source of energy for several reasons. Intermittent: Renewable. One of the most significant benefits of solar power is its being intermittent. Nobody has to go out and do the solar power drill. It never runs out, and is nowhere available. If the planet can get away from
using renewable energy sources like fossil fuels, then we're all going to be better off. No maintenance. When you invest in a solar energy system, you don't have to worry about maintenance or moving parts. With wind energy, for example, you have a turbine that is turning non-stop. That requires some lubrication,
and you're counting on moving parts never wearing out. With solar, nothing is moving or wearing out. You install the system and forget about it.
Independence. With solar, you can achieve a degree of autonomy. When you buy your power from the electric company, you're at their mercy. When they raise their rates, you have to agree to pay them. You can't go down the street to another utility. When you install your solar equipment, it allows you to control the cost of your energy
production. You buy the system one time, and that's your total cost for enerav.

If there's a blackout, will my solar panels keep working?

Without installing a battery backup system with a grid disconnect switch, the short answer is "nearly for sure not." Behind the meter, the vast majority of solar panel installations are connected, meaning they feed power first into the house and to the grid if the house doesn't need power. The grid is down when there is a blackout, and your system is designed to shut down automatically to protect workers who may need to repair lines connected to your home. Nonetheless, if you have mounted the battery backup or taken other measures to keep the solar panels running during a power outage, you may have enough energy to keep your lights on.

Is it illegal to go off grid in Florida?

No, it's not illegal to go off the Florida grid entirely.
Florida statute says that if people are entirely self-sufficient, they can go off the grid altogether and split from the utility provider. To say somebody's going off-grid would need four criteria.
1. A good pump for water
2. A septic system
3. A whole-home generator for back up power
4. A battery system to collect the power from the solar panels

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